Saturday, November 26, 2011

Integrating Apache HTTPD Server with Tomcat

Integrating the Apache HTTPD Server and Tomcat is common these days and i thought of sharing the step by step of how to do with the online community.

Step 1:
Download Apache 2.2.X from Apache Web Site:
Step 2:
Download Apache Tomcat 7.X from Apache Web Site
Step 3:
Download MOD_JK Connector from Apache Web Site:

With the above said steps Download is complete

Step 4:
Install Apache HTTPD Server and Apache tomcat in Windows Maching

Step 5:
Unzip the Mod_JK file and rename the .so file to

Step 6:
Save the renamed file into /modules/

Step 7:
Load the MOD_JK Module /conf/httpd.conf file

LoadModule jk_module modules/
Run Step 10 before proceeding to next step to Verify The below steps are performed Fine

Step 8: 
Mount and Configure JK Module in "conf/httpd.conf"
# JK Module Configuration
JkWorkersFile conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug

# JK Mount Configuration

JkMount /Or5e apj13
JkMount /Or5e/* apj13

Step 9: 
Create the worker file "conf/"

# Check the Tomcat configuration to get this 8009 port
# In the tomcat conf/server.xml check for 
Run Step 10 before proceeding to next step to Verify The below steps are performed Fine

Step 10: 
Restart the Apache and see if it works fine or not. If it works fine you are all set.

Step 11: 
Start the Tomcat "/bin/startup.bat

Step 12:
Open browser and type "http://localhost/Or5e, It should open the Application running in the tomcat

Happy reading and configuration.

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