Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Change HOST file in Windows 7

Windows 7 and Windows Vista wont allow you to change the system specific files. But we do have one work around to change those files.

In this example we are going to see how to change the system specific file "host" which is present in the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\

1. Click the Start menu
2. Click All Programs
3. Click Accessories
4. Right Click on "Notepad"
5. Select "Run as Administrator"
6. Open the host file and now you are done and you can change the file content.

How to Change HOST file in Windows 7

Windows 7 and Windows Vista wont allow you to change the system specific files. But we do have one work around to change those files.

In this example we are going to see how to change the system specific file "host" which is present in the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\

1. Click the Start menu
2. Click All Programs
3. Click Accessories
4. Right Click on Notepad and select "Run as Administrator"
5. Now open the "C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host" file

you are all set and now you should be able to change and save the file.

Integrating Apache HTTPD Server with Tomcat

Integrating the Apache HTTPD Server and Tomcat is common these days and i thought of sharing the step by step of how to do with the online community.

Step 1:
Download Apache 2.2.X from Apache Web Site:
Step 2:
Download Apache Tomcat 7.X from Apache Web Site
Step 3:
Download MOD_JK Connector from Apache Web Site:

With the above said steps Download is complete

Step 4:
Install Apache HTTPD Server and Apache tomcat in Windows Maching

Step 5:
Unzip the Mod_JK file and rename the .so file to

Step 6:
Save the renamed file into /modules/

Step 7:
Load the MOD_JK Module /conf/httpd.conf file

LoadModule jk_module modules/
Run Step 10 before proceeding to next step to Verify The below steps are performed Fine

Step 8: 
Mount and Configure JK Module in "conf/httpd.conf"
# JK Module Configuration
JkWorkersFile conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug

# JK Mount Configuration

JkMount /Or5e apj13
JkMount /Or5e/* apj13

Step 9: 
Create the worker file "conf/"

# Check the Tomcat configuration to get this 8009 port
# In the tomcat conf/server.xml check for 
Run Step 10 before proceeding to next step to Verify The below steps are performed Fine

Step 10: 
Restart the Apache and see if it works fine or not. If it works fine you are all set.

Step 11: 
Start the Tomcat "/bin/startup.bat

Step 12:
Open browser and type "http://localhost/Or5e, It should open the Application running in the tomcat

Happy reading and configuration.