Sunday, May 29, 2011

My IPhone 4 Review

IPhone 4 - White - Released in INDIA on 27th May 2011.

That was a wonderful day i was walking on the bangalore road and found the Airtel Showroom, selling IPhone 4. I Just waked in and got one without second thought. You know what "I Believe now, i made a Right decision"

Below are the few things i was amazed about.

1. Design: Well i don't need to say much about it. The World knows this is one of the wonderful design ever available today in the Planet. But i love the precision of what it was made, i have never seen any consumer device which was build like this precision. My hands love to hold it. Thanks to "Apple" especially Steve Jobs

2: Camera: Guys believe me, This is the superior camera ever available in any mobile device. I would say this is even superior to a small shot camera available in the market. I have Kodak 10 Mpx camera, you know what? this thing in the IPhone is superior that Kodak i have. I love the "HDR" feature available in this IPhone, that is truly "Amazing and Mind blowing"

3: Display: The display in the IPhone is "Magnificent" you need to see it to believe it, Such a huge density of pixels per inch 330+ pixes per inch. this is not one of the best thing available in the market, this is the one which can never be compared with any other screen available in the mobile world today even IPhone 3GS. Especially, when i want to read my mails which has a most tiny text, i can read it even without me wearing my specs which i normally wear (my power is -1.5 in each eyes). The text are soooo crisp and it is very easy to read keeping my iphone 2 to 3 feet away from my eyes and still i can read those tiny text easily without straining my eyes. "Mind blowing screen".

4. Revolutionary UI: Yes, this IOS 4.3.3 is truly delivers a great user experience to the consumers. the Multi touch and Applications are great and easy to work with. I am really exited to experience the IOS 4.3.3. Now i believe this IOS is the most sophisticated Mobile Operating system available today.

Well i can go on and on. But if you are a Technology geek, this is the one device you will love to play with.

Finally "ANTENNA" i want to tell one things i experienced about the "Death Grip" the "Antennagate", you know one thing, yes, it does happen in relatively less and weak signal, I tried to hold my IPhone in one dead corner of my hall and it happen to lose the signal, well to be frank that even happens to my Nokia Xpress music too ( it got down to 1 bar from 5 bars) . I don't think i will go and stand in that corner of my hall and speak to anyone. But that is not a problem until i get one call drop, I will let the viewers know once i got any call drop or when I was been disconnected from the network.

Apart from that where ever i speak on the road, on the Underground parking area inside my car and every where, the Antenna in the IPhone 4 just works perfect.

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