Saturday, March 4, 2017

Setup Node JS project with Expres, Bootstrap, Handle bars for Single page Development

This document explains how to setup a Node project with required pre requiest for Express, Bootstrap and Handle bars.

Step 1: Install Node JS

Step 2: Setup Node JS cache and npm
npm config set prefix "D:\02-Application\npm"
npm config set cache "D:\02-Application\npm-cache"

Step 3: Create project folder in our case
mkdir SinglePageTutorials
cd D:\SinglePageTutorials

Step 4: Initilize the node project
cd D:\SinglePageTutorials
npm init

Step 5:  Add all the required modules
npm install express --save
npm install body-parser --save
npm install cookie-parser --save
npm install multer --save

npm install express-handlebars --save
npm install bootstrap@3